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Winter 24/25 is here.
Thousands of households at the front lines
seek support for the coming winter.

Your kind support will help those
in need of warmth.

As the next winter unfolds since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation, approximately 3,7 million people are still forcibly internally displaced (Nov 23), and millions more in war-affected areas require vital humanitarian assistance.


The harsh Ukrainian winters demand early interventions to ensure safe and dignified living conditions, especially as homes remain damaged or destroyed by attacks. The lingering impact on energy and heating infrastructure from the previous winter poses a continued risk, with the potential for further attacks.


The ongoing war, coupled with lost livelihood opportunities, has depleted resources for many; winter temperatures make conditions in many collective sites even more precarious.

World HAND International


Winter is here.
Winter is cold.
Are you warm?

Millions of Ukrainians are at risk of feeling cold in their own homes or place of stay. This winter again, millions will not have electricity, running water or light to warm themselves. Under the extreme winter conditions in the country, going down to sub-zero temperatures, it is of highest priority to support those being forced to be cold.

See our Winterisation efforts to support people in need.

Map UA 2023/2024 cold Winterisation

Ukraine´s WInter in Numbers

In the previous winters, we reached 10,297 people in the front-line areas of Ukraine through our Winterisation programmes.

However, the demand far exceeds the supply, and millions continue to endure the harsh cold.

Your support can make a difference in providing warmth and essential aid to those in urgent need.

Join us in making an impact this
winter 24/25.

Are you warm?

What if your neighbor wasn´t?

Would you share your warmth?


What does it mean to share love with those who are suffering?

In so many stories, whether religious or cultural, we hear about the meaning of sharing. What if it´s our turn now?

We ACT. We SHARE. We SAVE someone in need. Not next month. Not tomorrow. TODAY.

Share your warmth. We act as the prolonged arm of our supporters. All we need is your support.

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